Dietitians (dietetics) children’s

If your child or young person refuses food or has difficulty eating it’s important to seek help from your GP or health visitor who can check for possible medical causes and provide help and advice.

In Bromley, there are two key targeted services that can offer this support - the dietetics service and the speech and language therapy service.

The children’s team work with parents and carers of babies and children who are tube fed. They also offer dietary advice and support to parents and carers of babies and children with a range of clinical conditions, including food allergies and intolerances, faltering growth, feeding problems, fussy eating and weight management.

Dietitians (dietetics) adults

The adult team offer advice and support for special dietary needs and health conditions. They also provide advice and support to those who are tube fed.

Referrals to these services are through your GP or other health professional and you must be registered with a Bromley GP. Visit the Bromley Healthcare website for more information and clinic locations.


Clinics are held throughout Bromley at the following locations, all having wheelchair access.  An appointment will be given as near to your home as possible.

Children’s clinics

Take place at St Paul’s Cray Clinic, Community Vision Children and Family Centre and the Phoenix Children’s Resource Centre.

Adult clinics

Take place at St Paul’s Cray Clinic, Willows Clinic and Beckenham Clinic

Useful resources

Allergy UK is the leading national charity providing support, advice and information for those living with allergic disease.

The Infant and Toddler Forum 

Supports parents, parents-to-be, professionals and providers with simple and practical evidence-based resources to help children develop positive healthy eating habits.

NHS Healthy eating 5 a day. 

Nutricia providing information, advice and recipes for specific conditions. 

Need more help?

The information, sdvice and support service (IASS) provides confidential and impartial advice and information to support parents or carers and children and young people who have, or may have, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) aged 0 – 25.

Information, advice and support service

Telephone line open from 9.30am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm

Address: 6th Floor, Central Library, High Street, Bromley, BR1 1EX

Telephone: 020 8461 7630