Bromley Education Matters

Bromley Education Matters is the single point of access for information for all Bromley education providers. The website is aimed to provide our schools, settings, providers and other partners with ready access to key information, guidance and training opportunities to support in meeting the educational needs of our children, young people and adults.

Early Years SENCo Hub

The Bromley Early Years SENCO hub aims to provide pre-school setting SENCos, staff and childminders with useful information and resources to support the development of outstanding inclusive provision for all pre-school children. It includes resources and information regarding the referrals and SEND support.

School SENCo Hub

Bromley’s SENCO Hub aims to provide Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators (SENCOs) with the most up-to-date and relevant information and resources to support the development of outstanding provision for all children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.

The SENCO Hub includes quick-read information leaflets, forms for referrals to local agencies, online training for professionals, web links to leading local and national organisations and a comprehensive bank of resources across all categories of need.

The SEND service

The SEND service works in partnership with families, education settings, providers and professionals across education, health and care. One of the main areas of the service is to coordinate the statutory assessment process, in line with the SEND Code of Practice.

The service works closely with schools and settings to support children and young people with SEND, both those with a statutory Education, Health and Care plan (EHC plan, often referred to as EHCP) and those without (SEND support).

Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership

The Bromley Safeguarding Children Partnership includes early years and education establishments, health commissioners and providers, Local Authority, Metropolitan Police, probation and justice services, CAFCASS, voluntary and community sector as well as lay members.

Working in partnership, their main role is to coordinate what is done locally to protect and promote the welfare of children and young people in the Bromley and to monitor the effectiveness of those arrangements.

Bromley SEND collaborative training offer

The SEND collaborative training brochure offers high quality, evidence-based SEND training and development opportunities for practitioners in Bromley schools and early years settings.

Following the positive feedback from last year’s training, we have once again worked together to develop a comprehensive training offer that will develop the skills, confidence and expertise of our workforce, across the early years, primary and secondary sector, in meeting the diverse needs of children with special educational needs and disability.

The Bromley SEND Collaborative training offer 2022 to 2025 is available to download from the Bromley Education Matters website.

Council for Disabled Children E-learning courses

The Council for Disabled Children has launched these free e-learning courses which now include holistic outcomes for EHC plans. A free, self-guided course that takes all the key elements from their popular and well-received live training repackaged into a series of online modules, covering aspirations, outcomes from children, young people and family perspectives, outcomes from professional perspectives, including writing SMART outcomes,legal considerations, annual reviews.

Additional training modules include:

Social Care and SEND 

Information Advice and Support.