We understand how important it is for parents and carers to access the right support quickly and easily. To help with this, we have compiled a list of key contacts on this page, ensuring you can find the services and professionals you need without delay. By working together, we aim to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND.
Contact name | Contact information |
Adult Early Intervention | adult.early.intervention@bromley.gov.uk |
Adult Social Care | adultsocialcare@bromley.gov.uk |
Bromley Children Project (BCP) | bcpadmin@bromley.gov.uk |
Bromley IASS | iass@bromley.gov.uk |
Children’s Disability Team (CDT) | disabledchildrensteam@bromley.gov.uk |
Early Years Childcare (providing information on how to access and find childcare) | Eychildcare@bromley.gov.uk |
Early Years Inclusion Team (EYIT) | earlyyearsinclusionteam@bromley.gov.uk |
Education Travel Assistance | sen.transport@bromley.gov.uk |
Education, Health, and Care Needs Assessment – new assessments | EHCNA@bromley.gov.uk |
Education, Health, and Care plan (EHCP) co-ordinators | EHCP co-ordinator allocations |
Free School Meals Eligibility Assessment | FSM@bromley.gov.uk |
Independent Travel Training (part of Education Travel Assistance) | ITT@bromley.gov.uk |
Primary School Admissions (being entry to Reception and Year 3 in a junior school) for mainstream pupils | primary.admissions@bromley.gov.uk |
Secondary School Admissions (being entry to Year 7) for mainstream pupils | secondary.admissions@bromley.gov.uk |
In Year School Admissions | inyear.admissions@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Advisory Team (SENDAT) | sendat@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Business Support | senadmin@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Local Offer | localoffer@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Mediation | SENMediation@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Programme Team | sendmatters@bromley.gov.uk |
SEND Tribunals | SENTribunals@bromley.gov.uk |
Sensory Support Service for Hearing Impairment (SSSHI) | sensory.support@bromley.gov.uk |
Sensory Support Service for Vision Impairment | sensory.support@bromley.gov.uk |
Social Communication (inc Autism) Needs (SCAN) enquiry form | www.bromley.gov.uk/SCANEnquiryForm |
Statutory Assessment Team | senannualreviews@bromley.gov.uk |
Virtual School | virtual.school@bromley.gov.uk |
Please visit the SEND services directory for other service provider contacts.