Listed below are services who may be able to help.

Early Years Inclusion Team

The Early Years Inclusion Team (EYIT) provides an early intervention and advice service for children in Bromley with a wide range of special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) and their families, aged 0 to 4 before they start primary school. 

Download the Early Years Inclusion Team service leaflet (PDF - 1.19 MB).

It aims to ensure all young children with SEND reach their potential. This is done through a combination of work with settings to further develop their practices to include all children as well as work with individual children which is done via referral. They promote partnership working with families and joint working with other professionals from education, health, social care and the voluntary sector.

Home visiting educational service

Portage is part of the Early Years Inclusion Team for children who are not in a preschool setting.

Our Bromley Portage service follows the Portage principles and is registered with the National Portage Association (NPA). 

Read more about the Early Years Portage Service (PDF - 516.78 KB).

For children attending a Bromley early years setting

The Area SENCo will visit the setting to provide advice and support to settings and families to help their child make progress. This may include support for the setting from an Early Years Inclusion Practitioner to give advice and model activities. It may also include some early intervention funding called SENIF (Special Educational Needs Inclusion Funding). This funding is accessed via the Early Years Inclusion Team. It may be part of the package of support offered to preschools following a visit from the Early Years Inclusion Team. This is quality assured internally.

For some families it may be appropriate, to offer multi-agency meetings, joint assessment, and planning and/or a period of intensive key working.

Referrals - Early years targeted and specialist services

Early intervention and family support services

The early intervention and family support service offers a wide variety of support including Parenting Courses and seminars for children with additional needs.

There is also a Social Communication Needs (SCN) family support service who provide information and advice to families with children who have social communication differences.

Voluntary organisations

Please note this is not an exhaustive list:

Bromley Children and Families Voluntary Sector Forum

Are a network of local voluntary groups working with children and young people as well as their families, offering practical information and support on improving the lives of children and families in London Borough of Bromley.

For more information, visit bcfforum – Voluntary Sector Forum.

Bromley Down Syndrome Support Group

The Bromley Down Syndrome Support Group is a community of families in the London Borough of Bromley who have family members with Down Syndrome.

BDSSG holds tea and catch-up sessions on the last Sunday of every month from 2pm until 4pm. These are held at the Phoenix Centre in Bromley.

For more information, visit Down Syndrome Bromley.

Bromley Mencap

Provides a range of service to support children and their families to play a full role within their community.

Children and family services - Bromley Mencap

Bromley Parent Carer Forum

They work in partnership with local and national agencies and service providers to ensure parent carer needs are considered in service planning and delivery to gain better outcomes for our children and young people. As well as organise events, workshops and training.

Bromley Parent Carer Forum (


CASPA provides support and enriching experiences to autistic / neurodivergent children, young people and their families.

About us - CASPA Bromley

CASPA Tots - CASPA Bromley

Embracing Diversity - Project Me Programme

Project Me, programme run by OAKonsult aims to empower parent carers of children with special needs or disabilities from the BAME community, by delivering workshops, training, practical sessions, and therapeutic approaches.

Please visit the Oakonsult website.

SEND services directory