SEND strategic vision and priorities 2024-2025
In Bromley, we are ambitious for all children and young people to thrive, to feel healthy and happy and maintain positive physical and mental health. Where additional support is required, we aim to meet their needs locally, enabling them to live, learn, and work as independently as possible in their local community, empowered by sustainable and inclusive support.
Read the full SEND Strategic Vision and Priorities (PDF - 1.33 MB).
Preparing for adulthood strategic priorities (PDF - 759.6 KB)
Our policies and reports
Bromley SEND Local Offer Annual Report 2024 (PDF - 324.32 KB)
SEND Communication Charter (PDF - 178.03 KB)
SEND Accessibility Strategy (PDF - 333.63 KB)
Special Educational Needs (SEN) transport policy (PDF - 320.94 KB)
Short breaks service statement
Statement of intent to support young people with SEND
SEND joint commissioning arrangements (PDF - 250.91 KB)
Bromley SEND Local Offer Annual Report 2023 (PDF - 282.81 KB)
Local area SEND inspection
Information about the area SEND inspection of your local area.
National legislation and guidance
Children and Families Act
Summary of the Children and Families Act (published by The Council For Disabled Children)
DfE website
SEND code of practice: 0 to 25 years
SEND: guide for parents and carers
SEND support: easy-read guide for parents
SEND support: easy-read guide for children and young people