Frequently asked questions

Why was there no notification of these works?  

Advanced publicity is a requirement when carrying out major works (major works have durations of 11 days or more or has a road closure). Minor work (works which have durations of no more than 3 days) and standard works (works which have durations of between 4-10 days) do not require advanced publicity. When publicity is carried out, advanced warning signs will be positioned in prominent places and letters distributed to those directly affected by the works (this may not include side roads).

In the event of emergency works; this is unplanned and no notification can be given, although the best possible solution will be put in and / or adapted based on the situation.

There are a very large number of minor and standard works that take place in the borough. To check to see what road works are happening in your area please go to the Bromley roadworks map.

Why is there no one working?

There are certain instances where being on site provides no benefit.  

  • When concrete and other materials are drying it takes a certain amount of time for it to reach the required strength in order for vehicles to pass over it.
  • Gas leaks can be fixed by spraying the inside of a main which takes time to dry before the main can be tested to ensure that the repair has worked. New sections of main are pressure tested over a period to check for leaks.
  • Parts need to be specially made in some cases and certain materials are difficult to get hold of.  

On large projects there are instances where the excavation needs to remain open whilst other works are carried out elsewhere.  

Service connections on major works potentially require work on private property. Whilst this takes place there is the appearance that no one is working.

When are the works expected to finish?

To find out when works are expected to be completed please view the Bromley roadworks map.

What can I do if I see barriers which have fallen over / insufficient barriers?  

If you see that barriers have fallen over; you can report this by telephoning the number on the permit board. The number will direct you to the appropriate utility company / contractor.

I can't see a permit board displayed; what should I do?

All planned road works must display a permit board which shows who is carrying out the work and what their permit number is. If this is not visible please take a photograph and/or make a note of the location and report it via  Please include whether or not the works relate to a utility company in the description.

How do I report barriers / cones have been left behind?

If works have been completed and barriers / cones have been left behind then please take a photograph and report via  Please include whether or not the works relate to a utility company in the description.

The works are obstructing the pavement, what can I do?

Any works on the footway should still leave a minimum of 1.2 metres so that people can pass it with ease. If this is not possible then a temporary walkway should be put in place. If this has not been done please send the location along with a photograph in via and the company will be asked to correct the situation. Please include whether or not the works relate to a utility company in the description.  

Why is the road constantly being dug up?

There are certain roads in the borough where the pipe network owned by the utility companies is deteriorating which leads to leaks / escapes / faults. The utilities have powers and obligations under the law to repair their infrastructure - pipes, valves, cables etc., which, in the case of emergencies, the council cannot refuse works. In some cases the repair works can potentially cause further problems to the pipes.

Utilities have processes in place for selecting projects for replacement work which include different factors (e.g. age of pipe, number of repairs etc.) which form part of a cost benefit analysis to decide which pipes are replaced.

We notify utility companies about large numbers of repairs which are carried out in particular hot spots in the borough and request that schemes are designed with consideration to this.

Why can't all the utilities work at the same time in the same hole?  

We encourage utilities to work together where opportunities arise although the type of works being carried out can prevent this. When emergency works are carried out this cannot be co-ordinated in order for collaborative working to be achieved as this work is reactive.  

The works don't appear to have been carried out correctly, what can be done?

 The council tries to inspect as many works as possible. Potentially three inspections will be carried out:  

  • Whilst the works are in progress
  • Within six months of the works being completed
  • Three months prior to the end of the two year guarantee period  

If the works have not been carried out in the correct way then the utility will be instructed to rectify.

Why have road works been carried out several times when there seems to be no difference?

We inspect a sample of all completed utility road works to see if they have been completed to the required standards set out by law. If the road works have not been carried out in accordance with these then a defect notice will be issued to the utility and they will be instructed to return to rectify. There are associated charges to the utility in issuing defect notices. Until such time as the works are carried out satisfactorily the utility will have to keep returning to the location to rectify.

Why has tarmac been used when there were originally blocks?

There are instances where a permanent reinstatement cannot be carried out due to various reasons, for example, weather condition, lack of materials etc. In these instances the utility can opt to carry out an 'interim reinstatement' - temporary surface which normally consists of temporary tarmac. When an interim reinstatement is carried out the utility then has six months to return to the location to carry out the permanent reinstatement. 

Work has been carried out and the utility has left the grass area muddy, when will this be fixed?

Where work has been carried out on a grass verge the utility must make good the area. However, in the growing season they are allowed to lay top soil and seed and a reasonable amount of growth must be established within 12 months otherwise a defect notice will be issued for the utility to return to rectify. Outside of the growing season, the utility is required to lay turf.

Can utility companies work at night?

When there are emergency works then it may be the case that night working is required to ensure that the problem is fixed. Other instances where there is good reason to work at night may be considered however, this would not normally be within residential areas. The utilities are required to contact the environmental health office to have an assessment to see if night working is a viable option.

I've seen a water leak, what should I do?

In the first instance report the leak to Thames Water on the report form on their website or by telephone on 08459200800. 
Find out more about about how Thames Water carry out repairs to water leaks on their website.

How do I report a gas leak?

Please contact Southern Gas Networks on 0800111999 or visit the Southern Gas Networks website for more information.

How do I report a power cut?

UK Power Networks carries out roadworks in the borough in relation to electricity. Information on power cuts, connections and roadworks etc. can be found on the UK Power Networks website.

How do I report a fault on a telegraph pole?

If you wish to report a fault on a telegraph pole, you can do so by going to BT Openreach website.

How do I find out about the Virgin Media network?

If you wish to find out about Virgin Media's network, you can do so by going to the Virgin Media website.


Telephone: 0300 303 8658