MyBromley Account services are unavailable whilst we carry out essential maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Information about registering and using the MyBromley Account
Why should I set up MyBromley Account?
The MyBromley account provides you with a safe, secure and flexible way to do business with the council, at a time that suits you - no queues , no fuss!
A MyBromley account is open to everyone over the age of 18.
How long does it take to set up an account?
Once you have completed the registration form which takes a matter of minutes and verified your email you will be able to sign in to your account to the first stage of security.
What happens if I forget my username and or password?
Your username is your personal e-mail. If you forget your password please follow the instructions from the forgotten password link.
If you suspect that someone else has gained access to your account, you should reset your password as soon as possible.
Can two or more people at the same address set up individual accounts?
Yes, each person living at that address is entitled to their own MyBromley account.
I live outside the London Borough of Bromley. Can I open an account?
You can set up an account if you live outside of Bromley. Although if you are not a resident or do not own a property in Bromley, access to certain information will not be available through the MyBromley account. This includes being able to view council tax information, and certain services provided to Bromley residents.
I live outside of the London Borough of Bromley but own a property in the borough. Can I set up an account?
Yes but remember to register the address of the property in Bromley if you wish to conduct business with us about that property.
Can I have more than one account? For example if I own more than one property?
You can link to the council tax service for each property you own. If you are a landlord you can set up a landlord account.
What happens to my account if I move within the borough to another property?
Let us know you are moving by completing the council tax change of address form and changing the address on your MyBromley Account if you already have one. To change your MyBromley Account address sign in to your account click on your name in the top right hand and then select My Account.
Some customers will have a MyBromley Account address which is different to their council tax account or other service account addresses. Although for most people the MyBromley Account and council tax or other service account addresses are the same there are exceptions we have to allow for.
How do I change my account details?
Sign in to your account and click on your name in the top left hand corner. You will then see the options for making changes.
How do I close my account?
Please complete the delete account request form
Who should I contact for help with questions about MyBromley account?
If you have any questions about your MyBromley Account, you can request a call back during office hours only Monday - Friday 9 - 5. Just leave your contact details and someone will be in touch.
Alternatively please email