What type of personal information is shared and processed?
- Person details such as name, date of birth and address
- Information relating to disabilities
- Alerting information, relating to the persons medical and care information
- Care plan – including interventions and problems
- Service provision
- Primary support services
- Deprivation of liberty (DOL) safeguard, and other safeguarding information
- Early interventions
- Next of kin personal details and contact information
- Other related persons
- Practitioners
- Referrals to and from other organisations
- Details and results of medical procedures and events, including discharge and diagnoses
- Risks and warnings relating to medical issues
How do we get the personal information, and why do we have it?
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by yourself, a carer, or a health provider (such as hospitals, GPs, or district nurses). We use the information that you have given us to provide the best possible care and support.
Health and social care professionals need up to date information about a person. Therefore, the council provides access to your social care information into the London Care Record, which can be accessed by those involved in your health and social care, from organisations across South East London.
Your NHS number
If you are receiving social care support from the council, then amongst other identifiers we will be using your NHS Number to identify you. This ensures that both the NHS and the council’s adult social care teams use the same identifier for you, in order to reduce errors in identification – therefore improving your care.
The NHS number is used in two ways:
- As a unique identifier to allow social care information to be displayed in the council’s adult social care case information management system, for the provision of direct care
- As a unique identifier to allow some of your social care information to be displayed on the London Care Record.